Toni Renninger

Member of the Month: Toni Renninger


Toni Renninger 





Member Since:



What do you do when you're not at CFA?

I work for Nestle Health Science and travel a lot! When I am home, I love cooking for my family and going to the beach.

What led you to Crossfit and CFA specifically?

I have always been a 3 sport 
athlete and had a full ride scholarship to play Division 1 softball for Western Michigan University. After I graduated from college, I was LOST! I did the typical
lifting weights, STEP AEROBICS, and death by elliptical….I was bored out of my
mind! Eventually I taught group exercise classes, but was still not fulfilled. I
needed something to challenge me in a daily fashion.

Around age 30 I 
discovered a “form” of CrossFit. There was a very dedicated group of individuals, that were led by a trainer, and we worked out in a warehouse. I was hooked! I
loved the atmosphere, the teamwork involved, and the motivation. At age 40 I did
a bodybuilding show with a group of these individuals.

When I moved, I knew I needed to find a CF gym. I walked into CFA on a whim
one day, met Josh, and I was signed up! I loved the space the box provided, the
cleanliness, and the individuals I was meeting.


When did you realize that CrossFit is right for you?

The first time I did CrossFit in my 30’s I was hooked. I needed the challenge of always learning something new and getting better at each movement. I had grown up always trying to perfect a skill, and CrossFit is just that.

What movement do you despise over everything and why?

RUNNING! Is that a movement?
I had to RUN all the time in college and swore I would never
do it again when I graduated. Then I gained the post-college 20lbs. and gave it a
try again. I even joined a running club! I STILL DESPISE IT.

What is your all-time favorite movement?
My all time favorite 
movement are WALL WALKS! I love them! They are so gratifying when I get my nose to the wall.

What motivates you during a tough workout?

My parents motivate me. My Dad is 78 and still has six pack abs, goes to the gym every day and never complains about aches and pains. My mom on the other hand, complete opposite…I don’t EVER want to be like my mom. She has zero get up and go in her and told my Dad and I that “we ruined our bodies by working out all the time, so now we are stuck doing it

so we don’t get fat.” Imagine growing up with that!

If you could write your own workout for a day, what would it be?

that involves shoulders, wall walks, and rowing.

What are your goals going forward and what do you think will help you

achieve them?

I have 2 goals. Someday get a rope climb and a toes to bar! It

frustrates me that I cannot do those! Practice will help me achieve these, I just

need to do it!


What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health, and fitness or

just day to day life since starting CrossFit?

I have noticed that I can do so 
many functional, everyday movements, that a lot of individuals my age cannot do. I can throw 2 bags of 40lb. dog food over my shoulders like no other! LOL

I also have motivation to keep going, even when I have a slight injury or set back.

What would you recommend to someone who is just starting out with


JUST DO IT! Walk through the door, learn the basics of each

movement. Your only competition is yourself! Keep moving, make goals, and you

will achieve a ton of self pride. There is a sense of family in CrossFit, like no

other gym. I do random drop ins all over the state, and everyone is family.

EVERYONE wants you to succeed and be the best version of yourself, in the

gym, and out of the gym.

If you could have one skill or characteristic of another member at CFA what

and from whom would it be? Or which other CFA member are you the most

motivated by?

This is a hard question. Every individual in the gym has a certain

quality I strive for. CFA is a group of good people that all have great qualities.

Quick Questions

Favorite Cheat meal: Funfetti Cake with white frosting.

Favorite Workout song: I have too many!

Favorite Place You Have Traveled: Stockholm,Sweden

Favorite TV Show: The Last Kingdom and Vikings on Netflix

Coach's comment:

We are so glad that Toni came walking through our doors in 2021. She has been a great addition to CFA and an awesome part of our 7am class!! We really have enjoyed watching her get stronger, faster and fully embracing her hate of running. Toni embraces the CrossFit ethos and is one of the most friendly people we have. We are proud of all your hard work, keep it up Toni!

Drop in, Say Hi

(810) 241-2703

5241 Edgeway Dr. Suite F

Allendale, MI 49424